国内No.1スニーカーフリマ「スニーカーダンク」を運営する株式会社SODAは、KREAM Corporation(NAVER子会社)をリード投資家にAltos Ventures、SoftBank Ventures Asia、JAFCO Group、既存全投資家からの追加出資により約62億円の第三者割当増資(シリーズC)を実施したことを発表した。今回の資金調達を含めたこれまでの累計調達額は約87億円、評価額は約240億円となる。また、「モノカブ」を運営する株式会社モノカブの買収を完了し、グローバル展開を加速していく。
SODAは「世界中に熱狂的ファンを生み出すマーケットプレイスを。」をミッションに、月間300万人以上が利用する国内No.1スニーカー&ストリートウェア フリマ「スニーカーダンク(SNKRDUNK)」を運営している。
・KREAM Corporation / CEO, Chang Kim
KREAM is thrilled to strengthen our partnership with SODA, no.1 sneaker reselling platform in Japan. We are excited about the potential synergies to better serve our customers in both countries such as enabling access to top local streetwear brands. We believe this is just the beginning of a strong alliance network we are developing in the region to become leading commerce platforms in APAC.
・Altos Ventures / Partner, Hee-Eun Park
We are excited to partner with SODA team as they work relentlessly to become Japan’s top shopping destination for Gen Z and millennial consumers. SODA has demonstrated explosive growth in their core business of marketplace for sneakers and is now expanding into new verticals. With uncompromising focus on customer service and highly differentiated value proposition, SODA is well-positioned to lead the transformation of Japan’s e-commerce market.
・SoftBank Ventures Asia / CEO, Managing Partner JP Lee
With the global sneaker resale market increasing by more than 20 percent annually and estimated to hit close to US$30 billion by 2030, we believe there is strong growth potential in the industry. SODA is a key player in the Japanese market, and we are proud to continue supporting its ambitions. We expect that the volume of sneaker resale transactions produced by our portfolio companies in South Korea, China and Japan will exhibit a high growth curve, and we will actively utilize SBVA’s global network to help them create more strategic synergy and lead the Asian market.
・JAFCO Group / パートナー 井坂 省三氏
・SoftBank Ventures Asia
・JAFCO Group
・KREAM Corporation
・Altos Ventures
SODA代表 / 内山 雄太氏 コメント
モノカブ代表 / 濱田 航平氏 コメント